
FAQ: Task code erroneously limited to NCR, should have NCR / CASE choice

I am having trouble billing a task code to a case in defenderData.  Some of the task codes are only coming up if I select the "NCR" (non case related) type, but are unavailable when I select the "Case" type. Please advise.


This is a technical issue that is being addressed.

  defenderData is designed to permit billing to non-case related matters. However, where appropriate, billing should be case-specific. This requires the ability to code to "CASE" instead of "NCR" -- "CASE" will trigger our client's names.

  When we launched the newly-configured dData on June 16, 2014, some task codes that should have been available for both Case and NCR types were only coming up as available for NCR.  That was the our error, not Justice Works (the defenderData company).

We have contacted JusticeWorks and have corrected problems with CASE / NCR arise. Note that some task codes are deliberately programmed to be specific to NCR, to avoid erroneous billing (such as ADM07, Administer Budget). If, however, you find a code currently limited to NCR, that you believe should have access to CASE billing, please let the Steering Group know - we're trying to get all of these corrected before July 1.
