
FAQ: Task codes, Reentry / Drug Court?

Question: I understand that reentry / drug court cases now have their separate case codes in defenderData when they are opened, and I am billing work on those cases to those clients. 
   I'm not sure, however, what task codes to use for work in alternative courts. What task codes should I be using when representing clients in reentry / drug court?

Answer: We recommend the following task codes be used:

ATTY21 12.21 PREPARE FOR VIOLATION PROCEEDINGS      - 12.21.4 Represent client in sentence modification/compliance proceedings

   As with other clients, other codes, such as COMM02 - Communicate and / or Meet with Client -- may also be appropriate.

   As noted in the question, it is important that this work is billed to the specific client in the alternative court programs. Recent revisions to Chapter 18 have meant that more-accurate data will now be available for this work, because these cases now have their own specific case-codes when opened in defenderData. 

   If the above tasks are billed to an alternative-court client,
it will be clear during the data analysis that this work was related to alternative courts.
